Tag: organic

ACTIV Natural Organic Online Shop & Blog in Vanuatu Aelan

ACTIVely Impacting Lives Positively

ACTIVely Impacting Lives Positively – ACTIV  (Alternative Communities Trades in Vanuatu) Association – Non-Profit Organization – Eco-Friendly – Fair Trade – Sustainable – Environmentally Conscious – Ethical We find them on TOP of the lists of non-profit organizations in Vanuatu that are hugely impacting lives positively for oh so many Vanuatu local communities. We are, yes In-Love with them and […]

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volcanic earth natural skin care

Volcanic Earth Natural Skin Care

Volcanic Earth Natural Skin Care.. Beauty from Deep within the Earth.. The Brand name itself says it all. Natural & Organic We bring you more Great News! We are now also carrying your favourite natural skin care brand – Volcanic Earth! Volcanic Earth – Natural Organic Skin Care Product – Beauty from Deep within the Earth.. How exciting is this?!! It […]

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natural organic coconut palms shop

You’re Exactly Where You’re Needed

59 days have passed since new year 2017! Welcome March! What have you been up to? Any exciting news happening your way? We’ll tell you a short uplifting story for some inspiration and encouragement. Here goes. Sadly for us, it’s almost 3 or maybe 5 years now since we had our first working shop online website destroyed. If you […]

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Oils of Paradise

We first met this amazing lady behind Oils of Paradise and were introduced to some of her creations at a Vanuatu business meeting, that we attended sometime ago. She is a quiet and remarkable woman. She dreams and she acts to achieve them. Get to know this amazing, wonderful & hard-working Mum – Business woman Ms. Rona Garae – one of our Good Partners […]

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Hydrate & Rehydrate with Water

Natural Organic Living Shop & Store Hydrate & Rehydrate with Water Water or H2O is nature’s gift, one of the most important gifts that every living creature – man, plants & animals – NEED Daily. One thing, we cannot LIVE WITHOUT. Did you know that according to studies & research (please do your own research too) our body is composed […]

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Healthy Food – Natural & Organic Eggplant

When you live in the tropics like in Vanuatu, not only that you are spoilt with untouched beaches, lush nature and abundant sunshine, you are also spoilt with loads of organic vegetables, fruits, natural skin care products and BEEF galore if you’re also carnivorous at times like us. Not to mention, the ever friendly locals when they’re in […]

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our pups

Natural Remedy- Red Hibiscus

We started off with only 2 x 4 legged furies, our fur-babies Star & ‘Lucky’, both female. We’re not really sure what their breeding are but all we know is we were lucky to have them just on time when we really needed them. We love them and we care for them very much. We treat them as […]

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colds Let organic food be thy medicine

Treat it Like A Healthy Holiday

Treat it Like You’re on A Healthy Holiday Would you agree that it is very annoying when we’ve got cold or worse a flu!? We’ll tell you how we felt before, It annoyed us very much. We can’t help but had our days and our mood ruined by it. Not only that, it’s often associated with […]

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organic health & beauty natural products sustainable & eco-friendly, buy online

Hello Amazing You!

Welcome to Natural Organic Living and hello amazing you! We’re very Delighted and Pleased you found us! Finally! Our Website – Blog and Natural Shop– is now taking shape after 2 years! Help us celebrate! Our Blogs – Some of our Blogs may just be the right blog you need to read right now to help you with your journey […]

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