Part II – Herbs vs. Modern Medicine – Some Common Fallacies

Herbs vs. Modern Medicine – Some Common Fallacies – Dr. Christopher – PART II.

We subscribe to newsletters that we know could help us live a better healthier life for us, naturally and environmentally sustainable.

Speaking of which, we would like to share some of the newsletters that we regularly received from Dr. Christopher of The School of Natural Healing

Dr. Christopher is one of our inspirations into using Plants as a whole to treat some of the illnesses we sometimes have including treating our Furbabies. We use Red Hibiscus plants for their wounds, scrapes, big gash and little lump on Star’s paw. Know more about it here.

Enjoy, Be Fascinated and Learn at the same time.

Here’s the Second Part of a two-part series from the archived writings of Dr. John R. Christopher

“In my thirty years of experience.  I have seen some of the sickest people you could ever imagine. You wouldn’t believe the number of terminal conditions I have treated in my day. Case after case of people that didn’t get well from standard medicines. I don’t have to read research reports on whether drugs as a whole are effective or not.  I just look at my long waiting list of patients.  They are living examples of how effective drugs really are.

I certainly don’t want to brag about my accomplishments, but I have helped a tremendous amount of people to get well with herbs. It’s the best proof I can possibly offer you that herbs are effective in building a healthy body and alleviating disease.

As time goes on, more and more people are going to wake up to the fact that herbs really are the way of the future. No matter what disease you have, there is an herb growing somewhere which can get you well.

Herbs vs. Modern Medicine - Some Common Fallacies
Dr. John Christoper Herbal Medicine Legacy. Herbal Medicine

And there is just one more thought I would like to share with you. Please don’t think that I’m pushing herbs on you just because I happen to be an herbalist, or that I’m against modern medicines just because I’m not a medical doctor.

The only reason I have shared some of my thoughts with you now is because I just want you to be healthy and be able to lead a long, long life. To me there is nothing more important than to be happy in life and to make others happy.  But you can’t do this if you yourself are sick and weak. I don’t want any of you to suffer like I did. I was born with crippling rheumatoid arthritis. For the first thirty-five years of my life I didn’t know a single day of health. I was in a wheelchair most of the time.

If I can spare you any of the suffering I went through, I’ll feel that I’ve accomplished something. I’m almost 70 years old now, and I feel healthier now than I ever have in my entire life. I give more than 90 lectures a year and I am constantly on the go. If it wasn’t for herbal medicine, I doubt I would be here today.

When the Lord said in the Bible, “…and the fruit thereof shall be for meat and the leaf thereof for medicine,” He meant you should only use herbs and plants to treat your ailments.  I hope you follow that advice, because I doubt you’ll ever regret it. I wish you the best of health.”

-Dr. John R. Christopher
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